Sharing Ideas

I like sharing ideas. I like just giving them away, too. I have sat down with friends on numerous occasions and shared my ideas for something they were doing. I have often done… Continue reading

I Want to be Positive

You know, when you get upset and then suddenly everything around you seems stupid and while you are on the roll of finding things stupid you lose sight of the actually legit things?… Continue reading

Teach Me All the Things – My Favorite Thing on YouTube

It’s been a while. Yupp. Moving on. As I have stated before how YouTube is one of my favorite thing on the internet and there are a number of reasons why. Personally for… Continue reading

And Then I Run Out of Ideas

While preparing to leave for Germany on Saturday this week、I have been quite busy after work this week with various projects that are close to me. Right now I am working with two… Continue reading

People are stupid, but they can also be smart.

With recent events around me, I was reminded that I wanted to make a post about “people”. People as in “human beings”. This is not going to be about all the horrible man-made… Continue reading

How even? On Not Making Money with Music.

Just out of curiosity I tried to name all the things that make up the revenue stream of a musician. Just of the top of my head in five minutes. here is the… Continue reading

Learning All The Things!!!

This weekend, I submitted the redesign for a web site I made for friends and it made me think, how it had started that I even came to be able to do this.… Continue reading

Playing With The Cool Kids

The music industry is a peculiar place and in all honesty I can only talk about the bits that I know, but it seems quite common, still excuse me if I am wrong…… Continue reading

Good Enough to Sell?

Since college I always somewhere in the back of my mind wanted to start my own business, but I never quite knew, what I would be selling or what kind of service I… Continue reading

Busy times. Friends. And Alone-time.

Now I feel like I have a moment to breath…even though I should be working on something, but I guess it’s now or never. That’s not true. I’d write eventually but a week… Continue reading

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